What is the Return on Investment of Your Home?

Do you see your home as an investment, or as a living expense? There is no right or wrong answer, but clearly defining how you view your home can help you weigh major financial decisions.
For many Americans, their home is their single largest asset. So why do so few people calculate their true return on investment after selling? To some, the entire transaction is just a living expense or sunk cost, but if you view your residence as an investment, wouldn't you want to know the ROI?
Here are some new ways homeowners can view the true return on investment. This is not intended to reflect each buyer's specific situation, and will likely be most useful for investors who purchased a home with a goal of "trading up" in a few years. Although home ownership can provide significant tax benefits to many Americans, for simplicity, potential tax benefits have been excluded from this calculation.
Price appreciation does not equal ROI. The ROI on a home is most commonly viewed as price appreciation – how much you sold it for less how much you paid for it. Sometimes selling costs are taken into account, too. The issue with this approach is that it doesn't include all of the expenses incurred while owning the home, buying the home and preparing to sell it.
Conceptually, it can be difficult to determine how to calculate the true ROI on a home – the dwelling itself is a hybrid personal use asset and investment asset. However, ignoring the real cost elements falsely inflates the return on owning real estate and can lead to homeowners to continue over-investing in a property.
True return on investment for homeowners. Your home is likely among your largest assets, so it makes sense to know how it performed. To calculate the ROI on your home, consider starting with the most conservative approach. You can always adjust afterward to better fit your personal situation.
Here's an example of calculating true ROI on the sale of your primary residence:
1) Add up your acquisition costs. These are the costs incurred when you bought the home – your down payment, attorney fees, closing costs and so on.
2) Add up your total costs of ownership. Breaking it down into subcategories, calculate the total payments made to principal and interest, taxes and insurance, repairs and maintenance, plus other expenses, such as HOA dues or condo fees.
3) Add up your selling costs. Selling costs can be quite significant. Real estate agent fees alone are typically around 5 percent of the sale price. There will be additional expenses in closing costs and even if the sale is exempt from federal capital gains tax, you may still need to pay state and local tax.
4) Find out your loan payoff amount. If you've already sold your home, you have this number. If you're just thinking about selling, you can calculate this using an online amortization schedule or call your bank.
Once you have all your numbers, it's time to analyze.


"10/10 service!!!! Wade and his team went above and beyond to make sure we closed on our home. With a few hiccups and hurdles in the last hour they did navigate each step efficiently. I would definitely recommend them to assist with anyone looking to obtain a loan. Thank you 👍🏼"

camellia valenciano


cynthia green

"In 2015 Wade and his team helped us get into our first home, fast forward 8 years things have changed and due to a divorce hard decisions had to be made concerning the ownership of the house. From the beginning, even though we’ve never met in person Wade and team has given me solid advice over the phone, through annual check in’s and monthly words of inspiration through emails. But the one thing that has stuck with me and I have begun using it in everyday life is when he recently told me. “I am going to tell you what you NEED to hear, not what you WANT to hear.” Going through a divorce isn’t easy but sometimes you need someone like Wade to guide you and even though this time he was not our broker he will always be there to tell me what I need when it comes to his expertise. This make’s me feel like I am a forever client of his and you can’t go wrong with Wade Betz and team. I move into my new house today and with his words of wisdom I feel like I’m “Winning!” Thank you, Wade and team."

adriana hernandez